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Past Projects

I'll admit to being a compulsive writer. Ever since high-school, when I wrote a parody of Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner (No doubt inspired by Mad Magazine), I've been hooked. To date I've written a couple of hundred songs, a full length musical, several school musicals, a multi-language software book series called Joe Rock and friends, two iPad children's stories, a couple of novels and even a political protest song, "All About the Land". Check out the links below.

Winifred the Bad Cow

 Winifred came to be when I was travelling with my three year old grandson in France. He would continually ask for me to tell him a story. Winifred, who always ended up in the barn eating dry hay for a week became the favourite characterar The YouTube video is two of those stories. Illustrated by my daughter, Evelyn Morales. You can purchase Windows, Macintosh, and Linux versions of the story on Gumroad for $.99

Joe Rock and Friends(Multi-Language Interactive Stories)

The ten Joe Rock stories were produced in English, Spanish, and French, with the user able to choose different reading levels and flip back and forward between languages. The stories had a read-to-me mode and a pop-up dictionary built in. Each story contained a song (also in three languages) The stories were produced for PC, Mac, and iPad. Unfortunately they are no longer available. 

Click the image for a YouTube version of the Pirate Song - one of my favourites. The most inportant thing is how you say Yaarrr!

How Many Sleeps 'Till Santa Comes

This was a story/song with animated elements. It took the form of a poem.

"Winter moon on snow so white,

Set up the tree put on the lights . . .

At the end of the book, we set the entire story to song, which I remember singing with the kindergarten classes at school that year.